
'For Adventures of a lifetime'

Monday 18 July 2016

The Great Depression - Emotionally Challenged

After an all you can eat buffet breakfast, the group and I believed that we had been well prepared for what Aaron and Jack Ross had planned for the day ahead. However, we were grossly unprepared for the horrors of Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge.  The Choeung Ek Genocidal Center was a chilling echo of Nazi death camps, we witnessed the brutality that the Cambodian people had to endure for the four years of hell that was Cambodia from 1975-1979.

While the visit to S21 showed us more of Pot’s ‘‘agrarian utopia’’, the Security Prison also gave us example of extreme heroism and resilience in defiance of the totalitarian communist state, such as the Aussie Kerry Hamill and Brit John Dewhirst who convinced the Khmer Rouge that Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried chicken was their CIA commanding officer. This experience seeing firsthand the reality of Cambodia’s history is one I’m sure not the group or I will ever forget. (*Ed.  Difficult day for the boys…some of the photos show what they witnessed but goes nowhere near how they felt…IMHO an essential experience for a visit to PP Cambodia…Some may disagree!)

When we arrived back at the hotel around 15:00 many of us were shattered after a long day that had challenged us both mentally and physically, so we migrated to the pool to relax. Unfortunately there was a group of girls in there so we all had sit quietly in the opposite corner, until they left when Mr McMillan entered the ring. We emptied around half the pool with our antics and enjoyed the rest and relaxation. After a chat on how we as a group have grown in the last 3 weeks we pumped out 44 press ups with ease except cliff (who I think was starting to struggle in is old age).  (Ed. He’s not wrong!!!)

As this is our last night in Cambodia we congregated for dinner as a group and had a generous budget of $10 per person. A trip round the night market and being chased and beaten up by the little street children finished us off and we all went to have a well deserved sleep, barring me who stayed up to 1am to write this blog. (Ed. Dedication!) We all can’t wait to get home and see you all again. See you soon...

p.s. mum plz get some hay for the rabbit, I need to change him when I get back

p.p.s Robbie says to his family he hopes you remembered to re-cork his clarinet, bring money for a McDonalds on the way home and that he loves and misses you all and can’t wait to get back. Also did Megan get selected?! See you soon

Ethan Cheuk

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