
'For Adventures of a lifetime'

Friday 11 July 2014

Blog no. 15 -The Project Begins

After a terrible night’s sleep for most Challengers and staff, due to a noisy rooster, a donkey that seemed to think it was a siren, random birds and the various sleep-talkers having incoherent conversations with one another, we received another enjoyable meal from our host, Pastor, and the various wives from the community.

Following breakfast we started work on the project where we were once again struck by the language barrier. The locals were telling us how they wanted the fence to be built, and from the shaking of heads followed by many Spanish words it was apparent that we weren’t doing it the way they wanted. After this sketchy start everyone seemed to find a stage of production that they felt comfortable with and after another large meal that was enjoyed by all the fence was flying up and we were well ahead of our first day’s target; and so by the end we were all both satisfied and surprised with our progress.

After a tough day of manual labour we celebrated with a football match with a few locals, but as time went on the mixture of the heat, sweat and tired limbs took its toll and each team depleted rapidly until only the locals were left standing on the pitch.

As a result of today’s progress everyone is looking forward to tomorrow’s work and we will hopefully have learnt from the mistake of wearing too little sun cream (Ed.again!) in the Ecuadorian sun.

  Aled George

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